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A New Digital Tool That Guides Students Through the Process of Writing Appeal Letters

SwiftStudent and MC Students

What are the steps to request a change to my college financial aid package?
  1. Learn about eligibility
  2. Use a free template to write an appeal letter
  3. Submit to your financial aid office
  4. Wait for your school to accept or reject your request

VisitSwiftStudentnew windowfor more information.

SwiftStudentnew window已经申请并正在接受助学金的蒙哥马世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔利学院学生也可以申请。SwiftStudent是一个新的免费数字资源,它简化了对MC学生的经济援助申请过程。

SwiftStudent Offers College Students:

  • a guide to request additional financial aid when your economic circumstances have changed, such as changes due to COVID-19
  • a way to start the appeal conversation with financial aid officers
  • clear information about financial aid requirements and appeal types
  • customizable template letters to help you share your situation with your school

Through SwiftStudent, students can learn about the financial aid appeal process, review eligibility requirements, and customize free template appeal letters to submit to their college financial aid office.

It is free to use, and does not share or sell personal data. SwiftStudent guides users through the appeal process relating to numerous special circumstances where a student may be eligible for an adjustment to or reinstatement of their financial aid, such as satisfactory academic progress, loss of income or a medical crisis,. SwiftStudent offers templates that address over 14 types of appeals, accompanied by an extensive resource guide.

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