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Student Rights and Responsibilities

Montgomery College is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of knowledge, but also to the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. We seek to achieve these goals through a sound educational program and through regulations and policies that encourage responsibility and respect for the rights and viewpoints of others.

Students are afforded the following rights and responsibilities under theStudent Code of Conduct(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.). To report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy, or a behavior of concern,submit an incident report.

Student Rights

  • The right to have access to and participate in the academic and nonacademic opportunities afforded by the College.
  • The right to freedom of thought and expression.
  • 根据大学政策,学生有权不受基于种族、宗教、肤色、性别、年龄、残疾、婚姻状况、性取向和国籍的歧视。
  • The right to a fair process in the determination of accountability for conduct according to the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The right to submit informal and formal complaints to the appropriate College official. To obtain information as to who could best address the complaint, students can also see a counselor or the Dean of Student Affairs for guidance.

Student Responsibilities

  • The responsibility to exercise the above mentioned rights and freedoms in a manner that will not violate College rules and regulations or infringe on the rights of other students, faculty and staff.
  • The responsibility to comply with all provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • 有责任以礼貌、尊重和礼貌对待学院的所有成员。
  • The responsibility to contribute to the overall welfare and common good of all students, faculty and staff at Montgomery College.
  • The responsibility to obtain and carry an official College ID.

Standards of Conduct

Our goal is to prepare students to be active, engaged citizens of the world and to educate them for positions of leadership in their communities and their nations. The College seeks to provide an environment where discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter of the class, event, program or activity are recognized as necessary to the educational process. Students from all campuses, including online classrooms and Workforce Development and Continuing Education, are invited to be participating members of the educational community within the guidelines of acceptable standards of conduct, which include:

  • Academic conduct that reflects the highest level of honesty and integrity.
  • Actions that are civil, courteous and respectful of all members of the college community, their property, and the property of the College and that of the larger community.
  • Social behavior that encourages responsibility and discourages the unlawful use of alcohol, illicit drugs and weapons.
  • Group behavior that promotes its members’ mutual respect, equality and safety, and opposes those acts that harass, disrupt, intimidate or haze.

To report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy, or a behavior of concern,submit an incident report.